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Five everyday changes you can make to save money 💷

May 19, 2024
5 min read

It’s that time of the year, post-Christmas, where we’re all feeling the affect of being paid early in December. January is a great time to look at household finances and see where small changes can make a BIG difference.

Here at VibePay we’ve put together our five ‘quick wins’ you can do to save some cash in 2024.

  1. Don’t overfill the kettle. Believe it or not, putting more water in the kettle than you need is actually costing you money, £40 to be precise! By only putting in what you need, you’ll be better off instantly.
  1. Use a lid on a saucepan. Again, this simple change can put another £32 in your pocket. Don’t be lazy, get out the lid with the pan and start saving today.
  1. Forget the dryer in the summer months. Dust off those pegs and get the washing on the line when the sun is out. £30 is coming your way if you let mother nature do her thing.
  1. Using VibePay to get paid. You knew this was coming right?! Whether it’s for business or pleasure, getting paid via VibePay means NO FEES and NO CHARGES. So save on average 3% every time you need to get paid.
  1. Book your holiday on a Sunday. Yes the latest data and research shows that Sunday is the cheapest day to book a holiday, with prices 23% cheaper on average. If you choose Friday as your departure date, you can also save on average 26% compared to the other days of the week!

So there you have it, our top five tips for an extra few quid in your pocket in 2024.

*All data and numbers taken from

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