See How VibePay Saves You Money

Zero Fees. 100% #goodvibes

We help creators and small businesses send payment requests securely, and keep all their accounts in one place.

Download the VibePay App

Link your bank account/s

Create your #vibeme link

Get paid instantly

Woman at the hairdressers


Connect all your bank accounts and manage your money

Why do you need my bank account?

We use your bank accounts to let you see balances, transactions and request money. It takes seconds and is super safe 🔒

What is a banking channel?

Get a private channel directly with your banks. View live balances, see your latest transactions, and get monthly insights 👌

What can I do with my linked banks?

Don't worry about switching back to your bank app; you can see live transactions and balances directly in VibePay 👀

Adding bank details to VibePay app
VibePay app with a QR code


Send payment requests to one or everyone

Easiest way to get paid?

Use your personal VibeMe code to receive money quick and easy. Flash your QR or send a simple link 🔗

Can I send requests to groups?

Send requests to as many contacts as you want and keep track of who has paid for what 🤔

Can I only get paid from VibePay users?

It's not just for your VibePay contacts, send requests to anyone. Create a link and use it anywhere 💪


Pay anyone with a UK bank account for free

How do I pay someone?

Pick a contact, set an amount, add an optional comment, and pick your payment bank. Easy as that 💸

How long does it take?

Money is moved instantly from your bank account to theirs. We always make sure you authenticate with your bank first ✌️

Can I keep track of payments with friends?

All payments are added to your private channel so you always know when and how much you've paid 🙏

Payment on the VibePay app
Chatting on the VibePay app


Pay, Request and Chat with customers, friends, family and your favourite brands within the VibePay app with Channels.

What is a Channel?

A channel is a space where you can pay, request money and chat with whoever you choose!

Can I create groups?

Yes you can! Start groups with family and friends and make splitting the bill easy!

Who else can I have a channel with?

You can also have channels with your customers, your bank, friends and family, and all your favourite brands!

Get Paid. Now.

Download the VibePay app. Link your bank account(s). Create your #vibeme link or QR code. Receive cash pronto.

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